From personal grants that help you grow as a leader to grants that advance the field of youth ministry to grants that expand your own vocational discernment program, the grants below are terrific opportunities to secure additional support for your mission and work. And while we're calling out a few options below, you can find more on our Resources page. Simply scroll down and select "grants" in the left-hand column.
Please note: Grant opportunities and deadlines may change at any time.
High school youth need opportunities to explore their faith, Christian traditions and calling in the world. These young people hold the promise of a more hope-filled future as they courageously lead and serve the church and the world.
The Youth Theology Network (YTN) Capacity-Building Grant gives institutes support to expand program leaders’ knowledge, skills and expertise to accompany youth in their exploration of their purpose, passion and call.
FTE awards YTN Capacity Building Grants to youth theology programs who received funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. in 2015 or 2016. If you are unsure whether your program is eligible, contact Allison Arsenault.
Recipients receive $5,000 to implement efforts over a 12-month period. Supported activities may include regional gatherings of peers, research on vocation and youth ministry, or the development of related resources.
Grants: They offer four grant programs which support religious and theological scholarship among three strategic constituencies: pastors, academics, and researchers for the broader church. Grants range from $15,000 to $40,000.
Fellowships: Three fellowship programs support the formation of ecclesiastically engaged academics for teaching and scholarship that serves the church and its ministries. Each fellowship awards stipends and links early career scholars into dynamics peer cohorts. Fellowships range from $6,000 to $30,000.
The Wabash Center provides funds for projects that enhance teaching and learning in the fields of religion and theological studies as taught in colleges, universities, and theological schools. Routinely, they fund projects that focus on: improving teaching and learning practices in and beyond the classroom; nurturing supportive environments for teachers; nurturing supportive teaching environments for learners; strengthening student learning; connecting the classroom to the wider society. Grants range from $5,000 to $30,000.
The Vital Worship Grants Program at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship is designed to foster, strengthen and sustain well-grounded worship in congregations throughout USA and Canada. Two streams of grants are offered--to teacher-scholars and to worshiping communities. Grants are divided into to categories: teachers-scholars and worshipping communities. Grants to teacher-scholars support integrated research that connects worship with other disciplines of study and practice. Grants to worshiping communities stimulate thoughtful and energetic work that will result in worship services that exhibit renewed creativity, theological integrity, and relevance.
Since 2017, the REA’s Herman A. Wornom Award has been directed toward supporting innovation in religious education. The Wornom Innovation Grant is a $3,500 award for innovative religious education projects and initiatives that further knowledge and deepen the practice of religious education, or that expand the field of religious education to a new area that is not traditionally associated with religious education.